Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dario's Comic Book Handmade Wallet

A while back I found this tutorial on craftster and based on that I've made a few wallets before. For the first one, I followed the instructions to the tee but after that I've made some changes here and there. These are just wallets made using paper and packaging tape and they are very durable. My first one lived for a few years before it finally fell apart.

My nephew, Dario, is 5 years old he's been obsessed with the Post Office lately and wanted to receive something with "his name on it" so my sister asked if I could mail him a letter. I wanted to send him something a little more fun than a simple letter but light enough to mail to Ecuador and that it wouldn't cost me a small fortune.

That's where the wallet came in: fun, small, you can still mail it flat...perfect! And I even threw in some cash and a few fake credit cards for him! Can you say, "Best Aunt Ever"??

It was made with pages from a comic book that I got free from work. I made another super cute wallet for Isaiah using the same book but I made it at work so I couldn't take pictures of that one. Maybe I'll take my camera with me one of these days and I'll take a picture.
Anyway, I think it's time to stop talking and show you Dario's wallet, even if it's only a couple images.

1 comment:

Guillermo said...

Hi, If I wanted to buy a wallet like this from you... where could I buy it? Do you take custom orders?