My nephew, Dario, is 5 years old he's been obsessed with the Post Office lately and wanted to receive something with "his name on it" so my sister asked if I could mail him a letter. I wanted to send him something a little more fun than a simple letter but light enough to mail to Ecuador and that it wouldn't cost me a small fortune.
That's where the wallet came in: fun, small, you can still mail it flat...perfect! And I even threw in some cash and a few fake credit cards for him! Can you say, "Best Aunt Ever"??
It was made with pages from a comic book that I got free from work. I made another super cute wallet for Isaiah using the same book but I made it at work so I couldn't take pictures of that one. Maybe I'll take my camera with me one of these days and I'll take a picture.
Anyway, I think it's time to stop talking and show you Dario's wallet, even if it's only a couple images.